Every election season raises a ton of critical questions in our community. 

For some people, the pressing issues are, “Who’s running and why should they get my vote?” Others seek basic information on how to register to vote, locate their polling place, or navigate new voter laws. Meanwhile, many in our community ponder, “Why should I even care?”

That’s why we’re thrilled to launch Ask Capital B, a news and information help desk tailored to the Black community. The idea is that we gather — and answer — as many Black residents questions as we can so our newsroom is more accessible and responsive to their needs. 

Adeshina Emmanuel is Capital B’s Managing Editor of Local.

This spring, our focus is on the May primary election in Georgia. Metro Atlanta residents will cast ballots for candidates running for offices ranging from county commissioner and sheriff to state legislator, judge, congressional representative and more.

We’re dedicated to listening to Black people in our community about what matters to them, gathering their questions, and responding with content that helps them navigate the candidates, issues, and stakes tied to local and state elections.

Share your questions with us and we’ll look for answers. You might get a direct response from our Atlanta newsroom. Your curiosity could also spark stories and live events that we’ll invite you to.

Here’s how to participate: 

Our community engagement team and reporters will also canvass predominantly Black neighborhoods and show up at public meetings and in community spaces to ask you what you want to know and share resources to inform people about elections.

If you’re still curious about why we’re launching Ask Capital B in Atlanta and why it matters, read on. Ann Hill Bond, Capital B Atlanta community engagement editor, has the answers.

How is Ask Capital B different from other voter resources I can find online?

Ann Hill Bond is Capital B Atlanta’s community engagement editor.

Ask Capital B is powered by you! Think of Ask Capital B as your personal voter’s resource. There are no dumb questions here. Each answer goes through our editorial process to ensure it is accurate and helpful. As mentioned above, you could get a direct response to your question. Or we’ll write stories that answer the question that we share with you. Or we might invite you to an event that focuses on your question topic. 

Why should I care about local elections, and how does Ask Capital B help?

The race for the White House and Congress are crucial, but the importance of local elections can hit even closer to home in a lot of ways. Local elections directly impact your daily life, influencing everything from public services such as health care and housing to regional policies like taxes and education that shape the communities we know and love. 

Ask Capital B is here to help by providing insightful information tailored to your interests and concerns. We want to empower you to make informed decisions and participate meaningfully in the democratic process. 

I want to contribute to Ask Capital B beyond asking questions. How can I get more involved?

Tell us your story! We welcome your active involvement in Ask Capital B. Remember that your participation empowers our newsroom to serve you and your neighbors. Beyond submitting questions, you can contribute by sharing your stories, insights, and expertise on topics that matter to you. Consider participating in our live events and engaging with us on social media. Your contributions are crucial.

I’m not voting this year. What does Ask Capital B have to offer me?

Community! Ask Capital B is committed to serving all community members, regardless of voting eligibility or preferences. Our platform allows everyone to engage with critical issues, ask questions, and contribute to meaningful dialogue and storytelling. By engaging with Ask Capital B, you stay informed while helping design the narrative around issues that matter most to you and your community.

Adeshina Emmanuel is Capital B's Managing Editor of Local.

Ann Hill Bond is Capital B Atlanta's community engagement editor.